How to Overcome Suicidal Thoughts

suicidal thoughts


  • Suicidal thoughts are thoughts a person has about not wanting to be alive.

  • They range in intensity, from wondering what it would be like not to be alive, to making an action plan to end their life.

  • Anyone can have them, and they can be a result of a whole host of different emotions or feelings.

  • If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts it is important that you tell someone about them and get help.

People experience suicidal thoughts for many reasons – and they can be a result of a combination of things. Anyone can have them, and there is nothing wrong with you if you or the person you care about is experiencing thoughts about taking their own life.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts it is important that you tell someone about them and get help. You can contact the HOPELINE 24/7 or call 988 for help.

People experience suicidal thoughts for lots of reasons. These can include:

  • A major loss, trauma or setback, like losing a loved one, losing a job or experiencing health or financial difficulties, can make it feel like isn’t worth living

  • Someone close to you attempted to take their own life, or died by suicide

  • Past life events, especially if they involve some form of trauma

  • Drinking or using drugs heavily

  • Challenges around personal identity – like sexuality, or your role within a family

  • Feeling upset and angry but don’t understand why

  • Experience of being bullied or rejected and feeling low or worthless

  • Feeling alone and/or lonely

  • Experiencing suicidal thoughts for what feels like no reason at all.

No matter how you’re feeling, or what situation you’re in there’s always a way forward – even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.


You can have suicidal thoughts at any point in your life. They can be general thoughts about not wanting to be alive, or specific thoughts about how to end your life. When you’re in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, sad, angry, or panicked, you might briefly think about wanting to take your own life. This is a passing feeling and so long as those feelings don’t last for extensive lengths of time or become too intrusive or overwhelming, they’re nothing to worry about. In fact, they’re actually pretty common.

Suicidal thoughts can spiral and make it difficult to think about or do anything else. If you are regularly having suicidal thoughts, or they are becoming overwhelming and difficult to ignore, you should talk to someone about how you're feeling. Speaking to someone about how you feel can help you to break the cycle and stop your mind running wild. It could be a friend or family member, a pastor, or a medical professional.

34.6% of teens have thought of taking their own life at some point.


People who experience suicidal thoughts often want to end their life to be free of emotional or physical pain, to put an end to a difficult situation, to regain a sense of control when everything else feels out of control, or to relieve someone of a perceived burden. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, life can feel hopeless. Often in this situation, you can feel that other people will be better off without you, but this is never the case. Suicide has a devastating effect on the people left behind, including family, friends and whole communities.

While suicide can seem like the only way to deal with your situation, there's ALWAYS another option – even if that feels impossible right now. We are there to listen, not to judge, and have links with other helpful organizations that could offer you the support you need to stop feeling suicidal. We offer help, information and support to anyone regardless of age, gender or geographic location. STAY HERE is there to support whoever needs us, no matter what.


Thoughts of hurting yourself are temporary and will pass. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts there are things you can do to help you cope with the distress you are feeling. It can help to come up with a list or a plan to follow when you feel like hurting yourself. It could include:

  • Talk to someone you trust about your suicidal thoughts. It sounds like a big deal, but speaking to someone will help you find a way forward.

  • Don’t know who to speak to? The HOPELINE is here for you if you’re thinking about taking your own life. The HOPELINE staff are non-judgemental, and your call will be free, confidential and anonymous.

  • Suicidal thoughts are just that – thoughts. Thoughts will pass, you don’t need to act on them.

  • Focus on the here and now. You can’t control the future, but you can get through the next hour.

  • Pray. Ask Jesus to step into this situation and help you choose life.


It can be difficult to talk about suicidal thoughts with your friends, family, pastor, or a medical professional. Here’s some ways you can start a conversation around how you’re feeling:

“I need to talk to you about how I’ve been feeling. Things are tough, and I’ve thought about hurting myself/taking my own life.”

“We need to talk. I’ve been struggling with_________ and I have been experiencing suicidal thoughts.”

You’re not alone.

Here is a prayer you can pray if you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts:

“I feel lost. Find me, Lord. Pull me up from the waters I’m drowning in so I can breathe again. I feel abandoned. Embrace me, and cover my wounds with your healing love so I can stand restored. I feel trapped.

Break the chains, Lord. Release me from the weights that drag me down. Release me from this prison cell of pain. Come bring your freedom and hope. I’m desperate, yet I seek you, God—the One who conquered the darkness, the One who rose from the dead, the One who can deliver me from this depression—I feel lost, yet I am found in your light. I feel abandoned, yet you are beside me. I feel trapped, yet you call me out of the pit. I feel desperate, yet you lead me to peace and you have all the answers. I choose to put my faith in you above my own feelings. I draw near to you, Lord Jesus. Amen.”

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. - Deuteronomy 31:8

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18


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