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Now is the Time to Start Healing.

Need to Talk to Someone?

We care deeply about you which is why we have partnered with the HopeLine to provide free live chat 24 hours a day.

Receive Your Free Month of Therapy.

Stay Here & BetterHelp are partnering to provide 1 month of free counseling services for anyone who registers through this page from 08/01/24 – 08/01/25. Anyone can sign up and be matched to a licensed therapist for a free month of professional therapy!

Sign up below 👇

Preach Our Mental Health Sermons

Don't believe the storm
  • Sermon Series Graphics that include editable files.

  • Sermon Builder Curriculum to help save you time while writing your message.

  • Sermon Bumper Video to introduce the sermon series to your students.

  • Small Group Materials to go deeper in the conversation.

  • Social Media Graphics that help promote the sermon series.

Take Our ACT Suicide Prevention Training Now

Learn how to spot suicide warning signs so you can save a life. Upon completion of our ACT Training, you will receive a certification.

Stay Here by Jacob Coyne

With tender passion and bold hope, Jacob Coyne, founder of Stay Here, infuses life into the dark corners of mental health. Giving hurting souls a reason to live, he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone--regardless of their past or pain--can find healing, including how to

· attack our anxiety and calm our storms;
· defeat depression and live with a sound mind;
· overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life; and
· transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose.

It's okay to not be okay--but you don't have to stay that way. It's time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness His love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.