You shouted, “Gen Z Will Be Suicide Free!” at The Send.. Now, learn how we can see it happen.

STAY HERE trains and equips believers to prevent suicide and heal the broken hearted. If you want to see a suicide free generation, we are asking you to join this movement by taking our ACT Training, repping our merch that saves lives, or if you’re a youth pastor, using our mental health sermon series this year at your church.



The Send

Take Our ACT Training Now

Learn how to spot suicide warning signs so you can save a life. Upon completion of our ACT Training, you will receive a certification.

Gen Z Will BE Suicide Free

Stay Here Merch

Stay Here clothing is made to start powerful conversations, & build strong community. We’re a movement that exists to end suicide in our generation. All proceeds go toward our mission to end suicide.

Preach Our Mental Health Sermon Series

  • Sermon Series Graphics that include editable files.

  • Sermon Builder Curriculum to help save you time while writing your message.

  • Sermon Bumper Video to introduce the sermon series to your students.

  • Small Group Materials to go deeper in the conversation.

  • Social Media Graphics that help promote the sermon series.

gen z will be suicide free

Book Us To Speak

If your school, church, business or organization is looking to better equip themselves with the tools and knowledge needed to tackle the discussions surrounding mental health and suicide prevention, we’d love to help. Jacob and Jonah Coyne bring a compelling message to schools and organizations around these topics. Through their inspiring message, many individuals have made the pledge to keep living, and to seek the proper help to get them on track toward wholeness.

Request to book Jacob Coyne, Jonah Coyne, or both!


Every 40 seconds, someone takes their own life. To change that, we’re asking thousands to join us by taking 40 seconds to pray every day for this generation to be suicide free and saved. Sign up below to commit to praying either daily, or weekly.

Make a donation.

Help us end suicide.

